Hidden Secrets that you may not know about Interview

issb interview
Starting with the name of Allah all mighty ,the most beneficial and the most merciful who has created me,you and the whole universe.
Gentlemen today we will talk about the interviews of armed forces.In ARMED forces tests the interview is considered as one of the most important part due which which i have found many candidates a bit puzzled.

They have some random questions like what should be my dress,what should be my tone,what should i read for it etc etc.Well you will find all answers of your questions well atleast to most of your questions.

As we all know that first impression is the last impression now how will you have that first impression ofcourse it is by your getup the way you are dressed is the most important thing which matters. For dress it should be according to the norms of society wearing jeans and hoodies etc should be avoided in interviews your dress should consist of three piece like pent shirt and coat of your desired colour but these aren't important always wearing whatever suite your personality best will always be good.
Don't ever lock yourself in confusion about colours etc but best colour is pure black

Make sure you have a nice square haircut not too long hairs and not too short but the one which looks decent with you and also work on your shave either leave a full beared or shave the whole part having some weired beared styles of strips and stuff is not only good for interview but also from islamic point of view it doesn't seems very well.
Ok after that if you are using perfume or body spray make sure that i doesn't have a very strong smell as it feels a bit awkward.

Mentioned in the last but the most important part is your self confidence don't think about failur or anything else always stay positive what ever the result will be just accept it and don't you ever lose your confidence.Your knowledge etc everything matters but before these things if you cannot face someone confidently then all of your knowledge and preparation is useless

I hope you will have an idea about the interview now best of luck stay safe

                           (Allah hafiz)

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