5 Main causes of your "Not Recommendation" in "ISSB"


Assalam O Alykum! Gentlemen today we are talking about those things which will lead to Not Recommendation in ISSB and can easily ruin your hardwork and your life goal. Before we start let me clarify that this post is written after quite research and studies on candidates who appear in ISSB for Pakistan Armed Forces. 

Today we are going to reveal the secret about the things that makes you get not recommended and you must avoid it in order to get success. Although we cannot guarantee that you will get selected in armed forces at all costs because this is the job of Allah all mighty to give you what is your destiny. Following our guideline will simply increase the chances of getting Recommended in Inter services selection board.

Every year many young candidates appear for tests of Armed forces in order to become commissioned officers and serve their nation. Some of them join coaching academies and pay higher amount of fee they actually try to increase their chances of success but still only few of them get selected while many of them face hard luck unfortunately.

Why many candidates fail to get recommended at ISSB? Well in order to explain this we performed a short survey by collecting experience from candidates about their days spent in centers and some military and ex-military officers and after quite research we came to a conclusion that there are some common mistakes that are made by candidates unconsciously during their tests and interviews due to which they fail to get selected and as a result they start blaming the institution.

Here are the most common mistakes that lead to Not Recommendation at ISSB


The first and most common that cause rejection is human fear. Yes ladies and gentlemen it is a natural thing when you are trying something new you will be having a little fear in your heart and you may feel a little uncomfortable and every normal person feel it but some people are so curious about getting their goal they don't want to lose it at any cost. Therefore they develop a mysterious fear in their hearts. They just watch their every step and I must say this is a very bad thing let me explain further.

Actually when you are some much careful on your every step it puts a lock on your brain and on your body. You stop caring about your performance and you start worrying about your mistakes. You begin to question your abilities and don't make moves because you think If I made this mistake it will lead me to failure etc in short your fear of failure is much more as compared to your wish for success and due to this you get NOT RECOMMENDED. 

In order to avoid this situation and overcome your fear keep on thinking the positive aspects of yours. Be careful but not too much feel free to give your best shot and show your full potential don't think that If I do this and that I will get rejected. Let them judge your abilities your job is to show your potential not to hide it. And Always accept the decisions of Allah all mighty we don't know but trust me our creator knows what is best for us.


YES! I know your are astonished by reading the heading but it is true over practice is not a good thing as there is an old saying "Excess of everything is bad". Here is how it works actually when you over practice of psychological tests i.e WAT, TAT, SCT, Pointer stories and incident writing you will develop a bad habit of making everything extremely positive and when you face the interviewer and they check your personality they find it out that whatever you have written is just a foolscap and this is totally different from your personality. In short you will lose your own personality and you will start presenting artificial version of you.

In order to overcome this situation make a simple routine of attempting 100 WAT, 50 SCT 3 pointer and 3 picture stories once in a day don't worry too much about positivity not every person can be 100% positive this is nature we all are having different properties so keep this in mind when you appear at testing centre make sure you present the original version of you not the artificial version who has crammed all the stuff from books and notes


GENTLEMEN! Let me tell you this is the most common mistake that every candidate make. Most people submit their forms and they start asking every single person they know about tips. Most Recommended candidates even don't know how did they got recommended. Trust me it's not about I wrote this correct and did that correct and got recommended they don't know that they showed some qualities which are required for armed forces. So avoid taking tips from everyone and start preparing in your own way. There are people who don't know anything and keep spreading rumors about ISSB like for example there are rumors related to female psychologists that they will ask you to kiss them or marry them or what am I wearing blah blah blah. 

A female psych with such grace and dignity and officer at armed forces will never ask a candidate such stupid things who even has any chance to get 100% selected. These are just false rumors and they will only ask sex related questions however everything depends on what you have written in your psych tests. If they found your personality inclined more towards sexual activities they will dig deeper in it other wise they will just ask you basic questions about BP, HP, girlfriend and sex nothing beside that. Also they won't ask you stupid questions.


This is also a serious matter if you don't have enough knowledge you are more likely to get rejected because have a look at this yourself, you are going to become a bps.17 officer and you don't even know about the neighboring countries, its border names and stuff isn't that a bit unfair so my advise is make sure you read and learn something buy yourself some books like "Who is who and what is what" by "Dogger brothers" and invest your time in reading it. Develop a strong base of basic knowledge about countries of the world, Its administration and its currencies etc.


This is also a major problem in some boys and girls that they cannot speak in front of people like for example some people can't speak in front of other they think I might say something wrong, what if this isn't right etc etc they aren't even able to call their group mates during then tasks so guys avoid this thing be open and feel free to talk whatever you have inside let it out without hesitation. When the GTO ask you to call your group mates make sure you call them like you are leading a passing out parade. 

These were the most common mistakes that we found in most candidates however ISSB staff is usually well trained they know their job very well and trust me there are many qualities they look for in a candidate in order to select them as an officer in armed forces so pray for your success and stay tuned for more information. 



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