ISSB guidelines part 1 (psych dimension)

issb guide

Starting with the name of Allah all mighty who has created this whole universe.AOA Gentlemen i hope you will be doing good today we will talk about the issb Psychologist tests. As in the previous post we learnt about the routine of issb and you might be aware that the first test which you will face is the intelligence test that consist of verbal and non verbal but this time it will be on book and not on computer like the initial tests.

 The intelligence test is followed by a new test called mechanical test which has 50 questions and keep in mind that in this test there is a rule of negative marking so you have to be very careful about this one.I will upload samples and materials of preparation later ok so after the intelligence and mechanical aptitude test the psychologist will give you dossier with answer sheets.Then a series of psychological tests will begin which starts from the word association test and end with pointer stories. The first test is called word association test... As the name indicates you will be given words VIA projector and you have to associate them with a meaning full sentence in a short period of time. The aim of this test is to check your personality as well as your thinking ability In order to tackle this test you have to think with a cool mind and then write the very first positive sentence that comes to your mind.Also keep in mind that there is no right and wrong sentences it is total your personality and these sentences represent your thinking so try to be as natural as you can avoid cramming sentences from the internet and notes or others try to following these steps in WAT

  • Your sentences should be neat and concise
  • Write short and meaningful sentences
  • Think before you write this is something beyond writing so be very careful
  • Avoid use of could,should maybe etc words always show surety 
  • Avoid suggestions in your sentences
  • The use of cannot,failure etc words should be as less as you can 
  • You can always assign an alternative word like for garden "the flowers smell good" etc
Follow the above mentioned steps and have a strong faith in Allah all mighty 
Insha Allah if this is your destiny you will get it no matter what. May you succeed in your goals the next post will be about sentence completion (2nd test)

                              (ALLAH HAFIZ)

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