ISSB Guidelines Part 2 (PSYCH dimension)

Issb guidelines

Starting with the name of Allah all mighty who has created me,you and this whole universe and He is the most merciful and the most beneficial.Gentlemen in the previous post we talked about word association test in Issb in this post we will learn about sentence completion test.The sentence completion test consist of incomplete sentences which are 26 sentences per set and there are 2 sets of English and Urdu sentences again there is no right and wrong sentences but everything you write will reflect your thinking,ideas and your personality.
The approach to attempt this test is same as word association test but this time you have to complete sentences keep this in mind the biggest mistake people usually make when they copy others in SCT,WAT,TAT and pointer stories which is the main cause of rejection so avoid copying others and always be your self always have a unique approach to the solution of a problem as shake spear says
"Towering genius disdain the trodden path"
 In order to clear the sentence completion test keep the following things in your mind
  • Keep your handwriting neat and clean
  • Your sentences should be neat,clear and meaningful 
  • Show maturity in your sentences avoid writing way too heroic sentences like a boy killed 50 tigers etc this is just nonsense
  • Keep your head cool always think before you write 
  • If you are confused about a sentence don't worry just leave it right there and try to write it later if you got any spare minutes
  • always keep your writing sequence in track as if you miss the sequence you will mess up really bad 
  • Try writing short sentences
  • Avoid long sentences
His love for.......
His love for success is making him work hard (long)
His love for country is true (reasonable)
The above mentioned steps are not supposed to bring a Guaranteed success but however they can help you improve a lot the sentence completion is followed by the picture story writing which is going to be our next topic till then stay safe work hard and pray to Allah all mighty and keep me in your prayers too.If you have any  kind of question and queries please let me know in the comment section below thank you so much for reading i hope you will like the post also if you want me to bring improvements in the site please feel free to share your ideas

Read part 2 here 

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