ISSB Group Discussion

The first Gto [group testing officer] test in which your thinking and your speaking abilities will be checked the main purpose of this test is to check how much knowledge and self confidence you have.
In group discussion a candidates knowledge,his way of talking as well as way of thinking these are the main factors.
In group discussion a group of 10 or 12 candidates will be given a random topic on which they have to discuss together there will be no boundaries its all up to you.If you want to speak in favor or against the topic it doesn't matters but how you speak and how you think matters a lot.
One of the most common misconception about the group discussion is that no matter what you have to speak first but there are 10 guys in a group and we better not make the discussion some kind of a brawl.
If you speak first it is very good but the way you explain your points will have impact i mean your initiative speaking is one good thing but at the same time you must produce quality too.Here are some tips which will help you in group discussion
  • Always start with kalma
  • Try to start explaining the topic from scratch and make sure you explain each and every point 
  • give your group mates a proper opportunity to speak and be the part of the discussion we should not make it a speech
  •  think 3D about the topic sometime people stick to just one aspect of the topic like we were given JIHAD and everybody started talking about battles and fighting etc how ever jihad means struggle
  • keep your tone as normal as you can avoid being too loud and too faint 
  • try to look at your group fellows as you talk but at the same time avoid looking at the GTO
  • using hand gestures should be minimum make your mouth talk not your hands and fingers :
  • never ever cut your friend in the middle of his turn this is something very disrespectful be a good listener and let everybody share their thoughts       
These are the main tips for the group discussion make sure you keep them in mind as they will help you a lot
thank you so much for reading may you succeed in your goals

                                              (ALLAH HAFIZ)

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