3 biggest blunders you make during issb psychologist tests


Hello! I hope you all will be having a great day/evening (depends on the time you are reading this article). Many of our Facebook page followers request about psychologist tests guidelines. So I have made up my mind to write an article on psychologist tests which you will face during your time in ISSB. keep in mind that these are the most important tests which will decide your future in armed forces as an officer.

Gentlemen, there is a slight change of plan and you might be thinking about what kind of change so let me tell you. Today we will talk about the mistakes first which most of the candidates make during the psych tests. I have done some research by asking a few psychology students and professional psychologists and on the basis of this research, I came to know that this might be the cause of your failure. Yes, gentlemen, you read it correctly there are some major mistakes which are made by even the most determined and hardworking candidate and the result is "Not recommendation letter".


Let's talk about these mistakes first. The main idea is to make ourselves aware of the cracks and holes in our skills and increase the chances of our recommendation at ISSB. You must also keep this in mind that the selection system has a definite mechanism no one knows what is that but we surely can use our common sense to increase our chances. I have already told you that this isn't an exam like colleges and universities exams. It means that in colleges and universities you'll cram all the book and notes a night before the exam or copy it from a friend and write it down. In the end, you will get high grades or pass but unfortunately, in ISSB, there is a whole different game. 

This is a simple 5 days program which will check you whether you are fit for armed forces, can you lead your troops during the combat scenarios. How do you react etc and due to this cramming stuff and copying others will never work. You will help yourself to pass these test. Most candidates make the following mistakes and they get not recommended.

Crammed sentences during WAT and SCT

During the word association tests and sentence completion tests, the psychologist gives us a pattern of words and incomplete sentences. Now some of us cram these sentences from either recommended candidates or books and notes given by different academies. Ok, so you might be thinking what is wrong with this... Right? Ok let's play this out, you have copied the sentences and stories of others and wrote it in your own handwriting all proper but when you face the professional psych during the interview and you talk to him you will present a very different thing from what you have presented in your dossier during the written phase. This proves that you are not presenting your self which may lead to no recommendation.

Extremely dangerous mistake (handwriting)

Writing in a neat and clean way is always the best idea but when you are to write a sentence in a few seconds you can write without worrying about its beauty. But gentlemen according to some graphologists (the person who study personality from writing) your handwriting reflects your personality. If you are writing too small it means you are hiding secrets you are shy. If you are writing a mixture of small and large fonts it means you are careless and ill-disciplined. Similarly, if your writing exceeds the margin lines it means that you are not very good at obeying rules and regulations which is also a very bad thing for an army, navy or an air force officer.

Below image is the example of worst handwriting lol and handwriting mistakes.
 Just practice to write neat and clean and make sure that your fonts are in regular line,exceeding margin lines and they are also not too big or too small.

Issb test preperation

Writing wrong merits and demerits

Most of us, unfortunately, try to camouflage their negative points (of course we all have some bad points) due which they don't have many options. For example, some of you may write I sleep a lot or I am a heavy sleeper or I am addicted to smoking or even I gain weight easily. Gentlemen keep in mind that these are all the symptoms of psychological disorders so be very very careful when writing your merits and demerits during the psych dimension. Don't write symptoms of a serious disorder which you may not have in your personality and get rejected so choose wisely.

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We wish you best of luck for the future

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