5 ways of Personality development for "ISSB"

       Lets start personality development from today

Hello! Everyone a few days earlier one of our group member ran a poll about two topics and the options were personality development and psychologist tips, most of the members voted for personality development. Today we will talk about how one can develop his/her personality not only for ISSB but for life. Gentlemen changing your habits and bringing new changes in daily routine will take time and the process of developing your personality in a positive way will take time but trust me it will worth.

I'll tell you very honestly that this process will need a lot of will power and dedication it's not like you press this button or that button on keyboard and it will change you. In my opinion they following are the main things which is necessary to have in one's personality if he is applying for Pakistan Army, Navy or Air Force. 


Punctuality or lets say in simple words time management, is a very important ingredient for an amazing personality there are so many advantages of punctuality that you will get surprised If you came to know about it. This isn't a very hard thing to achieve neither it is some God given special ability that remains in some class of people. Every one on the earth can be punctual all you need is your will power. 
The first step is to reset your daily schedule. Yes, I know most of us hang out with friends all day long and then after 12 am we lay down in bed, turn off lights and then pickup our gadgets of destruction i.e our smart phones (I am sorry I might hurt somebody).

So when we pick up our phones we then begin starring at its screen for hours. We open snapchat, Facebook, twitter, instagram, and whatsapp etc and then we start either texting each other or watching memes or if none of these then we will run our own campaigns I am sorry I shouldn't talk about this so lets skip this for now and come to the main point. The main point is the time you spend on your mobile phones is actually ruined. Your sleeping time i.e 10:00 PM is past and you sleep at maybe 3 am or 4 am which is totally wrong. So in order to become a punctual one start sleeping at 10:00 turn off your cell phones, laptops whatever you have maintain a good amount of darkness and silence in the room but make sure you put your alarm away from you and set it to 4:00 am. I am telling you my personal experience this isn't from a book or magazine or anything just try it and you will start enjoying life. When you pray fajar with "jamat" and then you start hearing the chanting of birds and the sun rising this is actually life. So tip No.1 start going to bed and waking up early in the morning.

Now during the day time make sure you offer every prayer because that is your only guide which will tame you to get punctual you will learn to time your activities. If you have been given an assignment or any responsibility make sure you do it today instead of putting it till tomorrow. Invest your time in reading a book or news paper the more you are away from your phone or T.V or computer the less you'll feel lazy.


Honesty is also very important thing to have in personality. If you are honest with yourself and the people around you they will love you are trust you. Being honest with yourself mean managing time for everything and never backing down from hardwork. Honesty is one of the major aspect which they look for in ISSB so if you or your friend commit a mistake then instead of hiding it properly disclose it by chest No.x this is foul lets remove it (during command and group tasks). Similarly If someone ask you during the interview that have you ever cheated in exams or anywhere else you must say no because there is no space for cheaters in armed forces. Also instead of making excuses for mistakes and failures of you find your own cracks and holes in your skills that will be counted as honest with yourself because you are actually removing the lose and weak spots of yours.


A United states Naval admiral once said " If you want to change the world make your bed every morning you wake up". Gentlemen discipline is one of the key aspect for a good life without discipline we fall in the category of animals. Try to change yourself by doing the small things in life correctly. Whenever you wake up in the morning no matter if you are at hostel, home or during ISSB make sure that you make your bed in a neat and clean way.

When ever you change your clothes just put them in the hanger and hang them in your wardrobe or anywhere you keep them. Clean and polish your own shoes (we will cover a topic about discipline in our psychology tips) and clean your room before you leave this is how you'll develop a very good personality by teaching your body and brain that these things matter.


If you are going for a meeting or a party or any function whether it be a formal or informal even your dressing matters alot. Before going for an event double check what are you wearing and how will it reflect your personality. Let me make it simple for you, you just cannot wear jeans and shades for an interview of Armed forces this will look too much awkward and will surely get you rejected because if you cannot choose your dress properly today how will you defend your country tomorrow.

 Try to have one dress for each even if you can't manage many like there should be a dress for daily house living, a dress for funerals or other events, a dress for going for tests and interviews. By dress I mean the one which is according to the norms of your society. I am not forcing you to go and buy three piece suites for every event the point is to look decent not "James Bond". 

Don't choose too contrasting and awkward colours be as simple as you can. A typical interview dress should include black coat and pent with white shirt and a strong colour tie and black shoes (colour totally depends on your choice)


Whenever you open your mouth and speak something it directly reflect what kind of a person you are. Now that totally depends on you if you talk gently and in a soft tone it will reflect a good personality but if you use too many slang words and abusive language it'll reflect a worst personality. Now a days there is a trend that young generation use abusive language (to be clear using MC and BC) in everything they talk about. They think by using abusive language they will look cool. But trust me the moment you use abusive words it ruins your personality directly so try to avoid using abusive language at all. Don't crack too much vulgar jokes you are obviously not a joker at all. The less you talk the more valuable you'll be considered in the society. Talk less but meaningful. Learn to say thank you and sorry on very small things it'll not make you small but it will surely promote you in society in a very positive way. 
Learn to ask for permissions and give respect to every single person around you

I hope you will enjoy reading the article we recommend you reading the following articles too and don't forget to share as much as you can to help every as much youngsters as we can.


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