3 biggest blunders you make during issb psychologist tests


Hello! I hope you all will be having a great day/evening (depends on the time you are reading this article). Many of our Facebook page followers request about psychologist tests guidelines. So I have made up my mind to write an article on psychologist tests which you will face during your time in ISSB. keep in mind that these are the most important tests which will decide your future in armed forces as an officer.

Gentlemen, there is a slight change of plan and you might be thinking about what kind of change so let me tell you. Today we will talk about the mistakes first which most of the candidates make during the psych tests. I have done some research by asking a few psychology students and professional psychologists and on the basis of this research, I came to know that this might be the cause of your failure. Yes, gentlemen, you read it correctly there are some major mistakes which are made by even the most determined and hardworking candidate and the result is "Not recommendation letter".


Let's talk about these mistakes first. The main idea is to make ourselves aware of the cracks and holes in our skills and increase the chances of our recommendation at ISSB. You must also keep this in mind that the selection system has a definite mechanism no one knows what is that but we surely can use our common sense to increase our chances. I have already told you that this isn't an exam like colleges and universities exams. It means that in colleges and universities you'll cram all the book and notes a night before the exam or copy it from a friend and write it down. In the end, you will get high grades or pass but unfortunately, in ISSB, there is a whole different game. 

This is a simple 5 days program which will check you whether you are fit for armed forces, can you lead your troops during the combat scenarios. How do you react etc and due to this cramming stuff and copying others will never work. You will help yourself to pass these test. Most candidates make the following mistakes and they get not recommended.

Crammed sentences during WAT and SCT

During the word association tests and sentence completion tests, the psychologist gives us a pattern of words and incomplete sentences. Now some of us cram these sentences from either recommended candidates or books and notes given by different academies. Ok, so you might be thinking what is wrong with this... Right? Ok let's play this out, you have copied the sentences and stories of others and wrote it in your own handwriting all proper but when you face the professional psych during the interview and you talk to him you will present a very different thing from what you have presented in your dossier during the written phase. This proves that you are not presenting your self which may lead to no recommendation.

Extremely dangerous mistake (handwriting)

Writing in a neat and clean way is always the best idea but when you are to write a sentence in a few seconds you can write without worrying about its beauty. But gentlemen according to some graphologists (the person who study personality from writing) your handwriting reflects your personality. If you are writing too small it means you are hiding secrets you are shy. If you are writing a mixture of small and large fonts it means you are careless and ill-disciplined. Similarly, if your writing exceeds the margin lines it means that you are not very good at obeying rules and regulations which is also a very bad thing for an army, navy or an air force officer.

Below image is the example of worst handwriting lol and handwriting mistakes.
 Just practice to write neat and clean and make sure that your fonts are in regular line,exceeding margin lines and they are also not too big or too small.

Issb test preperation

Writing wrong merits and demerits

Most of us, unfortunately, try to camouflage their negative points (of course we all have some bad points) due which they don't have many options. For example, some of you may write I sleep a lot or I am a heavy sleeper or I am addicted to smoking or even I gain weight easily. Gentlemen keep in mind that these are all the symptoms of psychological disorders so be very very careful when writing your merits and demerits during the psych dimension. Don't write symptoms of a serious disorder which you may not have in your personality and get rejected so choose wisely.

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5 ways of Personality development for "ISSB"

       Lets start personality development from today

Hello! Everyone a few days earlier one of our group member ran a poll about two topics and the options were personality development and psychologist tips, most of the members voted for personality development. Today we will talk about how one can develop his/her personality not only for ISSB but for life. Gentlemen changing your habits and bringing new changes in daily routine will take time and the process of developing your personality in a positive way will take time but trust me it will worth.

I'll tell you very honestly that this process will need a lot of will power and dedication it's not like you press this button or that button on keyboard and it will change you. In my opinion they following are the main things which is necessary to have in one's personality if he is applying for Pakistan Army, Navy or Air Force. 


Punctuality or lets say in simple words time management, is a very important ingredient for an amazing personality there are so many advantages of punctuality that you will get surprised If you came to know about it. This isn't a very hard thing to achieve neither it is some God given special ability that remains in some class of people. Every one on the earth can be punctual all you need is your will power. 
The first step is to reset your daily schedule. Yes, I know most of us hang out with friends all day long and then after 12 am we lay down in bed, turn off lights and then pickup our gadgets of destruction i.e our smart phones (I am sorry I might hurt somebody).

So when we pick up our phones we then begin starring at its screen for hours. We open snapchat, Facebook, twitter, instagram, and whatsapp etc and then we start either texting each other or watching memes or if none of these then we will run our own campaigns I am sorry I shouldn't talk about this so lets skip this for now and come to the main point. The main point is the time you spend on your mobile phones is actually ruined. Your sleeping time i.e 10:00 PM is past and you sleep at maybe 3 am or 4 am which is totally wrong. So in order to become a punctual one start sleeping at 10:00 turn off your cell phones, laptops whatever you have maintain a good amount of darkness and silence in the room but make sure you put your alarm away from you and set it to 4:00 am. I am telling you my personal experience this isn't from a book or magazine or anything just try it and you will start enjoying life. When you pray fajar with "jamat" and then you start hearing the chanting of birds and the sun rising this is actually life. So tip No.1 start going to bed and waking up early in the morning.

Now during the day time make sure you offer every prayer because that is your only guide which will tame you to get punctual you will learn to time your activities. If you have been given an assignment or any responsibility make sure you do it today instead of putting it till tomorrow. Invest your time in reading a book or news paper the more you are away from your phone or T.V or computer the less you'll feel lazy.


Honesty is also very important thing to have in personality. If you are honest with yourself and the people around you they will love you are trust you. Being honest with yourself mean managing time for everything and never backing down from hardwork. Honesty is one of the major aspect which they look for in ISSB so if you or your friend commit a mistake then instead of hiding it properly disclose it by chest No.x this is foul lets remove it (during command and group tasks). Similarly If someone ask you during the interview that have you ever cheated in exams or anywhere else you must say no because there is no space for cheaters in armed forces. Also instead of making excuses for mistakes and failures of you find your own cracks and holes in your skills that will be counted as honest with yourself because you are actually removing the lose and weak spots of yours.


A United states Naval admiral once said " If you want to change the world make your bed every morning you wake up". Gentlemen discipline is one of the key aspect for a good life without discipline we fall in the category of animals. Try to change yourself by doing the small things in life correctly. Whenever you wake up in the morning no matter if you are at hostel, home or during ISSB make sure that you make your bed in a neat and clean way.

When ever you change your clothes just put them in the hanger and hang them in your wardrobe or anywhere you keep them. Clean and polish your own shoes (we will cover a topic about discipline in our psychology tips) and clean your room before you leave this is how you'll develop a very good personality by teaching your body and brain that these things matter.


If you are going for a meeting or a party or any function whether it be a formal or informal even your dressing matters alot. Before going for an event double check what are you wearing and how will it reflect your personality. Let me make it simple for you, you just cannot wear jeans and shades for an interview of Armed forces this will look too much awkward and will surely get you rejected because if you cannot choose your dress properly today how will you defend your country tomorrow.

 Try to have one dress for each even if you can't manage many like there should be a dress for daily house living, a dress for funerals or other events, a dress for going for tests and interviews. By dress I mean the one which is according to the norms of your society. I am not forcing you to go and buy three piece suites for every event the point is to look decent not "James Bond". 

Don't choose too contrasting and awkward colours be as simple as you can. A typical interview dress should include black coat and pent with white shirt and a strong colour tie and black shoes (colour totally depends on your choice)


Whenever you open your mouth and speak something it directly reflect what kind of a person you are. Now that totally depends on you if you talk gently and in a soft tone it will reflect a good personality but if you use too many slang words and abusive language it'll reflect a worst personality. Now a days there is a trend that young generation use abusive language (to be clear using MC and BC) in everything they talk about. They think by using abusive language they will look cool. But trust me the moment you use abusive words it ruins your personality directly so try to avoid using abusive language at all. Don't crack too much vulgar jokes you are obviously not a joker at all. The less you talk the more valuable you'll be considered in the society. Talk less but meaningful. Learn to say thank you and sorry on very small things it'll not make you small but it will surely promote you in society in a very positive way. 
Learn to ask for permissions and give respect to every single person around you

I hope you will enjoy reading the article we recommend you reading the following articles too and don't forget to share as much as you can to help every as much youngsters as we can.


kya "ISSB" main "SIFARISH" chalti hay?

Assalam-o-Alykum Everyone! today we are going to talk about a serious and most common question i.e "Kya ISSB main sifaraish chalti why? This is one of the biggest problems nowadays that people use unfair means to get something. Many youngsters think that to become an officer it is necessary to have someone's reference. And without a solid reference, it is almost impossible to be an officer in nowadays. Well If you are among these people or you have heard it from people around you,that you will need a reference to get recommended keep on reading. You are exactly at the right place. Because I am going to remove all your negative thoughts below.

What happens on the First day At ISSB

The Day when you reach the center in the morning you will have to wait for your security clearance/ checking. Your bags will be checked and if you have a map or a newspaper or some kind of medicines they will take it away. After that, you will move in a line inside the center. There you will have to fill a form deposit your mobile phone or any other thing which isn't necessary. Also you will have to show them your call letter and returning the booklet which they sent with the letter is a must.  You will be alotted rooms where you are going to stay for the rest of your duration at "ISSB". After a While they will call you for attendance at mess. There they will ask you for Documents and you will be alloted "Chest numbers"

This is the whole thing When you are alloted "CHEST NUMBERS". Due to which you will get a new identity i.e you will be called chest number XYZ instead of your name. Also these chest numbers aren't permanent as you will have to cherange it for GTO's tasks. There you will get another identity. Now when you get chest numbers and a whole new identity there is no chance to get someone's reference. As no one outside of the center will know your chest number and no one inside of the center will know your real name. Remember your phone which you just deposited before getting the room that was your only way of communication inside there.

What About The Staff There

Ok! I guess I need to provide another satisfying proof. Keep this in mind that Inside ISSB center everyone wears normal civilian clothes except the guards on duty. And they also don't have nameplates on their uniform. If you want me to talk about the Testing Officers they will also be in pure civil uniform without any clue about their name, unit or rank so you cannot tell anyone about them outside the center. Keep this in mind that you are not allowed to talk to anyone on duty. Same is the case with duty staff they won't talk to you. So after that I guess you will have a clear Idea about Sifarish in issb. It is no doubt a very pure institution where the defenders of the nation are selected they look for various qualities.

Many sons of higher rank officers get rejected If they aren't. If you are talking about many army sons get selected this is because of the fact that they are surrounded by the environment. Their personalities are already groomed thus they usually have developed the qualities of an officer. To be honest, let me tell you if you want to talk about medical or anything there might be a very little chance but in issb, there is no chance at all.


From the above proofs, I hope it will be clear as crystal for you now. The only reference which work is of Allah (S.W.T) so If you want to get selected pray five times a day and work hard. I can say that with 100% confidence he will never ever ruin and waste your hard work. Keep this in mind If he can create you and this whole universe he can do everything. Don't beg to human beings only ask him (S.W.T) and trust him. 

This is only an excuse which many people give when they are rejected they will tell you that you will need reference because I was rejected without reference and stuff don't believe on anything like that. I have seen many officers serving the country without a military background. So keep working hard and don't back down from your goal Insha Allah if you are working hard and honestly you will get it.

If you have read the article and you are satisfied to make sure you share it with your friends. Help us reach our voice to many youngsters who are struggling with their goal. keep this in mind If you want Allah all mighty to help you-you must help his creatures.

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5 Main causes of your "Not Recommendation" in "ISSB"


Assalam O Alykum! Gentlemen today we are talking about those things which will lead to Not Recommendation in ISSB and can easily ruin your hardwork and your life goal. Before we start let me clarify that this post is written after quite research and studies on candidates who appear in ISSB for Pakistan Armed Forces. 

Today we are going to reveal the secret about the things that makes you get not recommended and you must avoid it in order to get success. Although we cannot guarantee that you will get selected in armed forces at all costs because this is the job of Allah all mighty to give you what is your destiny. Following our guideline will simply increase the chances of getting Recommended in Inter services selection board.

Every year many young candidates appear for tests of Armed forces in order to become commissioned officers and serve their nation. Some of them join coaching academies and pay higher amount of fee they actually try to increase their chances of success but still only few of them get selected while many of them face hard luck unfortunately.

Why many candidates fail to get recommended at ISSB? Well in order to explain this we performed a short survey by collecting experience from candidates about their days spent in centers and some military and ex-military officers and after quite research we came to a conclusion that there are some common mistakes that are made by candidates unconsciously during their tests and interviews due to which they fail to get selected and as a result they start blaming the institution.

Here are the most common mistakes that lead to Not Recommendation at ISSB


The first and most common that cause rejection is human fear. Yes ladies and gentlemen it is a natural thing when you are trying something new you will be having a little fear in your heart and you may feel a little uncomfortable and every normal person feel it but some people are so curious about getting their goal they don't want to lose it at any cost. Therefore they develop a mysterious fear in their hearts. They just watch their every step and I must say this is a very bad thing let me explain further.

Actually when you are some much careful on your every step it puts a lock on your brain and on your body. You stop caring about your performance and you start worrying about your mistakes. You begin to question your abilities and don't make moves because you think If I made this mistake it will lead me to failure etc in short your fear of failure is much more as compared to your wish for success and due to this you get NOT RECOMMENDED. 

In order to avoid this situation and overcome your fear keep on thinking the positive aspects of yours. Be careful but not too much feel free to give your best shot and show your full potential don't think that If I do this and that I will get rejected. Let them judge your abilities your job is to show your potential not to hide it. And Always accept the decisions of Allah all mighty we don't know but trust me our creator knows what is best for us.


YES! I know your are astonished by reading the heading but it is true over practice is not a good thing as there is an old saying "Excess of everything is bad". Here is how it works actually when you over practice of psychological tests i.e WAT, TAT, SCT, Pointer stories and incident writing you will develop a bad habit of making everything extremely positive and when you face the interviewer and they check your personality they find it out that whatever you have written is just a foolscap and this is totally different from your personality. In short you will lose your own personality and you will start presenting artificial version of you.

In order to overcome this situation make a simple routine of attempting 100 WAT, 50 SCT 3 pointer and 3 picture stories once in a day don't worry too much about positivity not every person can be 100% positive this is nature we all are having different properties so keep this in mind when you appear at testing centre make sure you present the original version of you not the artificial version who has crammed all the stuff from books and notes


GENTLEMEN! Let me tell you this is the most common mistake that every candidate make. Most people submit their forms and they start asking every single person they know about tips. Most Recommended candidates even don't know how did they got recommended. Trust me it's not about I wrote this correct and did that correct and got recommended they don't know that they showed some qualities which are required for armed forces. So avoid taking tips from everyone and start preparing in your own way. There are people who don't know anything and keep spreading rumors about ISSB like for example there are rumors related to female psychologists that they will ask you to kiss them or marry them or what am I wearing blah blah blah. 

A female psych with such grace and dignity and officer at armed forces will never ask a candidate such stupid things who even has any chance to get 100% selected. These are just false rumors and they will only ask sex related questions however everything depends on what you have written in your psych tests. If they found your personality inclined more towards sexual activities they will dig deeper in it other wise they will just ask you basic questions about BP, HP, girlfriend and sex nothing beside that. Also they won't ask you stupid questions.


This is also a serious matter if you don't have enough knowledge you are more likely to get rejected because have a look at this yourself, you are going to become a bps.17 officer and you don't even know about the neighboring countries, its border names and stuff isn't that a bit unfair so my advise is make sure you read and learn something buy yourself some books like "Who is who and what is what" by "Dogger brothers" and invest your time in reading it. Develop a strong base of basic knowledge about countries of the world, Its administration and its currencies etc.


This is also a major problem in some boys and girls that they cannot speak in front of people like for example some people can't speak in front of other they think I might say something wrong, what if this isn't right etc etc they aren't even able to call their group mates during then tasks so guys avoid this thing be open and feel free to talk whatever you have inside let it out without hesitation. When the GTO ask you to call your group mates make sure you call them like you are leading a passing out parade. 

These were the most common mistakes that we found in most candidates however ISSB staff is usually well trained they know their job very well and trust me there are many qualities they look for in a candidate in order to select them as an officer in armed forces so pray for your success and stay tuned for more information. 



How to be successful in almost every field of life

Hello there how are you all I hope you all will be fine yesterday I promised to share some secrets with you guys. The secrets are actullay about how to be successful in almost any field of life. Keep on reading because today I going to reveal the hidden truth behind success.

 THE first thing to do in order to become successful is to set goals now most of you will laugh on this point because this is something very common and every single person of planet knows it. But trust me this is one of the secret most of us just dream about things they always want to be a doctor or an engineer or a pilot or whatever they want to be but they just claim to want it they don't work for it. Setting goals mean if I want to be a doctor I will be a doctor no matter what happen I will work day and night for it in order to reach my destination thats how you set goals instead of saying oh yeah I wanna be a doctor and then pickup the T.V remote and turn on your favourite show and start watching it while chewing some snacks thats not how it works.

THE next thing is most of us aren't loyal.to their goals and dreams as I said earlier we just dream about things but we don't mind working on it to turn it into reality thats the major mistake most people make in their lives. Ok so you will ask me now how to be loyal to your goal alright no problem I will tell you that don't worry. If you want to be loyal to your goal and yourself do nothing but only stop wasting time please thats how you ruine everything. Dude This Is Real you are ruining it 99.99% by wasting so much time. You spend so much time with other people you know about them you want to be like them but you aren't working on yourself. If you want to be successful be loyal to yourself and your goal ask your self before you close your eyes every single night how much progress did I made today. How much big or small not matter but steps did I take today how much more do I need thats how things work

YES ladies and Gentlemen yes if you want to be successful you got to say yes to your dreams and your unfolding future you shouldn't be afraid of nothing. Just progress gradually but constantly do not stop no matter what happens. Most of us get failed because they are afraid more than they have confidence on themselves. Fear is the filthiest thing that turns every thing into carp. If you want to be successful you will have to overcome your fears. You will have to face yourself and if something within yourself ask you can I do this you should yell and say yeah I am the one I will do it. Thats how you get success. I know many people they practice alot and do lots of hardwork but in the end they get failed because of their own negative thoughts about themselves. Let me ask you a question how can somebody think positively about you when you yourself are thinking negative about yourself.

AND one the be major cause of failure is people will easily make excuse instead of looking for cracks and holes in their skills I mean if I fail at something I will tell you and everyone else that I did it but it was due to this and that I failed I did it but due to my luck I was not able to achive my goals trust me thats nonsense Allah all mighty will never ever waste the efforts of anyone it is the man who don't change his circumstances. So all I want to say is please do work on your goals and stop making excuses after that you will find success I guarantee.

If you follow the above steps no one can stop you from success. If you like this post please let us know in the comment section below and do not forget to subscribe to our newsletter VIA email which costs absolutely nothing and in return you will get Forces tests related news/guides as well as tips and preparation materials.

Issb Guideline part 6 (GTO dimension)

Starting with the name of Allah all mighty. Who is the most merciful and the most beneficial. Gentlemen in this 6th part of issb guideline we will talk about the group planning/military planning. First of all we will learn about what is military planning/group planning it is one of the most important test in issb in which a candidate's knowledge,his sharp mind and his responce to situation etc are checked by the Group Testing Officer.

The test is very simple after the group discussion and lecturerate topic the GTO will ask you to leave your seats and step in front of a table on which the model lies. The model will consisted of a simulated situation which may have some forests,hills,schools,different structures military bases etc. The will be starting and finishing points the routes will have its measurements written on it and the the GTO will give you briefing about the model which may be a rescue mission or it could be anything like that then after briefing he will give you time in which you have to complete your plan. When you make the plan the one of the group member will tell it to gto. The following are the things which should he kept in mind

  • Be very open minded and think about all possibilities 
  • Always be quick in calculations
  • Listen to your group members somebody always have a very unique plan
  • Listen to GTO very carefully during the whole briefing and put everything in your mind
  • Don't look at GTO during any test
  • Avoid touching the model
  • Keep your tone low but clear 
  • When your group is making a plan it is always good to have your own calculations and then tell about it to the whole group 
These were the points. Keep this in mind if Allah All mighty has written this in your Destiny there is nothing which can stop your from achieving it and if it is not good for you then step away he always have a perfect plan for his human beings. We wish you best of luck for your goals

Incase you have missed the previous part check it here


Issb Guideline part 5 (GTO dimension)

Starting with the name of Allah all mighty who is the most beneficial and the most merciful. In previous posts we learned about the first test of inter-services selection board i,e Psychologist tests I hope you have already checked it if in case you haven't checked it yet I highly recommend you checking it today we will talk about GTO tests which are conducted right after psychologist tests the psychologist tests are mostly based on written while GTO tests are based on a candidate's physical performance. In GTO DIMENSION we will Insha ALLAH cover the following topics
  • Group discussion
  • lecture for 2 mins
  • Group planning or model planning 
  • progressive group tasks 
  • half group tasks 
  • command task
  • final group task
  • individual obstacles    
Gentlemen we have already posted about the group discussion so we will continue directly from lecture for 2 mins. After the group discussion the GTO will send chest number 1 outside of the room but before sending him outside he will give him a topic on which he has to present a short speech for about 2 minutes. The main goal of this speech is to test your speaking ability as well as your confidence. When chest number 1 goes outside GTO will start a short interview or he will ask you about something like it can be anything from your educational background to worlds famous things etc etc. When chest number 1 comes in chest number 2 will be sent outside with a topic and in that time chest number 1 will start presenting his speech. Keep this in mind that stand straight during the speech and also tie your hands at the backside and look everyone in the room as you talk but avoid eye contact with GTO. Remember your speech should be in a very good tone not too faint and not too loud also be very concise in your points avoid giving reference from poets etc as it can easily trap you with a counter question
The system will be continued till the last member of the group the GTO will call you to stand up from your chairs and come forward there will be a planning model in a showcase on a table. He will brief you about the model in a short time this is called group planning about which we will talk in the next post
thank you so much for reading I hope it will be clear if you have any kind of questions and queries feel free to ask.
                                  best of luck and ALLAH HAFIZ

3 biggest blunders you make during issb psychologist tests

ISSB PSYCHOLOGIST TESTS SECRETS Hello! I hope you all will be having a great day/evening (depends on the time you are reading this ar...

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